Pluto & Nam3: Pedophilia, Doxxing and Blackmailing


This dispute is about 2 well known users in the Roblox exploiting community. A list of allegations:
- Pedophilia including sexualizing minors
- Doxxing
- Blackmailing with info
- Threatening family
-DDoS Threats

This started when Nam3 argued with me, saying something about my mother in the Ballistic discord. Then, I said something back (I cannot recall the details of this argument) so he banned me from Ballistic and sent an email to my mother calling me a pedophile with no evidence, then doxxed me and hacked Atari and Soulzay.

I then added multiple users, including Pluto, Wyvern and Ad to the groupchat. Pluto then made comments about my girlfriend and began to sexualize her, then began making sexual comments about minors

He then got his hands on the doxx, and posted it in his Discord server.

Pluto Screenshots

Nam3 Screenshots

Pluto's Face 

Some of Nam3's Info 

Name: Joshua Moon
Mothers Name: Dawn Moon

 Written with love by Emi 
Nam3 and Pluto: Fuck you